In this third iteration of this version of our Rensizzle, students were tasked with two different requirements: add a Human Rights / social issues component and have the geographical setting in New York City.

Students drew inspiration from four particular sources over the past week: animated series, animated movies, live action movies, and most importantly professional in the comic book / graphic novel world.

Friday 12/14/18

Students were presented with their task; to create a graphic novel that takes place during any time period (past, present, future) in New York City.  Secondly, try to incorporate a human rights /social issues aspect in the comic book / graphic novel as well.

Students saw 3 animated Batman films.  One film blended the 1940/50s with the 90s (which was present day during its release) while cinematically honing on light and dark tones.  The other two films focused on an alternate reality based in the 1980s.  Batman’s broody disposition and Gotham’s post apocalyptic setting gave the students more insight into dismal settings.

Monday 12/17/18

Brandon T. Snider came in as a guest speaker to kick off the week.  As a professional writer, he spoke about the importance of literacy.  Moreover, Brandon told the students how he has been writing since he was in elementary school and how it has transformed him as a person.  He also conferenced with the different comic persons / groups.  Each group was able to revise their character’s motivation after the conference.

In the afternoon, students saw how a story full of many characters can have converging stories that culminate in one.  Avengers: Infinity War