1. Monday 11/26/12 -AMNH- Students visit Mammals and Fossils exhibit.
2.Tuesday 11/27/12- Students research Animal Rights groups and cruelty to animals websites/issues. Students present their research on Mammals/Fossils to the group.
3. Wednesday 11/28/12 Visit the Central Park to observe animals/Birds.
4. Thursday 11/29/12- Visit the AMNH to investigate oceans/Birds and Biodiversity.
5. Friday 11/30/12- Visit the Bronx Zoo to have the Total Experience.
Day 1-Visit to the AMNH 11/26/12
Students Research Mammals and Fossils at the American Museum of Natural History.
What are some types of mammals found in various parts of the world and their history?
North American Mammals
Edwin Heras
Samir Thapa
African Mammals
Brian Tutko
Ezequiel Urena
Hall of African Mammals.ppt
Asian Mammals
Julissa Martinez
Saurav Gupta
Steven Szwejkowski
New York State Mammals
Troy Adams
Samuel Baez
Gabriel Santiago
Christian Gallego
Untitled presentation.pptx
Small Mammals
Melanie Mata
Tabina Syed
Primitive Mammals(Fossils Hall)
Karen Sepulveda
Tara Pemba
Primitive Animals Presentation.pptx
Advanced Mammals(Fossils Hall)
Tristan Doyle
Kendall Godfrey
Students collects facts on their topic and tomorrow they will make a presentation to the whole group in B4.
Presentation can be in the form of a power point, poster board, picture board or an approved presentation format from Jason or Riaad
Tuesday 11/27/12
Students research Animal Welfare/Animal Rights Groups.
Topics to be researched and presented are as follows:
1. Animal Exploitation.
2. Animal Use.
3. Animal Control.
4. Animal Welfare.
5. Animal Rights.
6. Animal Liberation.
Students present their report of Mammals/Fossils that they research at the AMNH.on Monday 11/26/12.
Wednesday 11/28/12
Visit Central Park.
What are some types of animals found in Central Park?
Thursday 11/29/12
Animal Welfare/Zoology
Visit to AMNH-Reptiles, Amphibians and Birds 11/29/12-3rd Floor.
1. What are some Animal Rights Issues? 9.15-10.00am Students see some videos on this issue and a class discussion follow.
2. What are some facts about amphibians and reptiles? How are they similar?
3. What are some types of Birds in NYC?
Student research their assigned topic, explores the anatomy, defense, locomotion, distribution, reproduction, and feeding habits of reptiles, birds and amphibians. Prepare a power point and publish it in Rensizzle.wikispaces.com/animalrights&zoology.
- Karen, Tara, Melanie, and Tabina- Poison Dart Frog
- Kendall, Tristan, Christian and Samuel-Alligator and Crocodile.
- Gabriel, Steven Troy and Julissa-Galapagos Giant Tortoise
- Edwin, Samir,- Komodo Dragon
- Brian and Ezequiel-New York City Birds
- Saurav- North American Birds
Friday 11/30/12
What are some exotic types of animals found in the Bronx Zoo?
Student explore the distribution, nutrition, anatomy and reproduction of two animals that interest them.