The Freedom to Explore NY!



“Rensizzle Week” – a unique opportunity for students and staff alike to suspend traditional teaching and learning for 5 days and learn by doing. Regular classes are cancelled, and students come in at 9:00 AM for Rensizzle activities.

The purpose of our ‘unique to Renaissance’ Rensizzle program is to let students learn as much as they can about their chosen area of study by doing interdisciplinary and multi-sensory work. The Rensizzle clusters are suggested by students and staff alike, and students are placed in one of their top 3 choices. The clusters include academic, cultural, culinary, athletic, artistic and technological areas of study. This Renaissance tradition is open to all 7th-12th grade students, and has been embraced by our K-6 staff by a willingness to schedule unusual trips, residencies and in-depth learning experiences during the same week.

Passions are translated into action during Rensizzle: there are students who love to cook, to sew, to design—clothes, buildings, furniture; there are students who want to build things, learn about architecture and engineering; learn all kinds of dance styles, discover Bollywood films and social justice documentaries…there is bound to be something you DO and want to share, are curious about and want to learn more…

Key elements to planning a successful Rensizzle cluster:

1) Planning and Curriculum: Each cluster is required to have a curriculum and timeline developed collaboratively with the students. These curricula are posted on each cluster’s wiki, which will be the repository for texts, images, photos, video and audio documenting each cluster’s experiences. We are supporting each group with help planning trips, consultant support and learning experiences that will engage our students in deep-thinking, deep-questioning, and deep FUN.

2) Supports, Enrichment Grants: We have many partnerships, parents and others that may be available to us during Rensizzle Week, to help develop a strong cluster. Ask early for what your group may need.

3) Remember: Renaissance is a K-12 School. We always aim to share the Rensizzle experience with our K-6 students through an targeted, enriched week including outside partners, enriched programs including HS and MS students working with elementary classes and a stronger coverage schedule for missing arts, language and PE classes. K-6 classes are planning their own trips, inter-disciplinary art projects, cooking and much more!


Culinary Arts 2014

Cultures & Cuisines

Dance NYC 2014

Geology & Astronomy 2014

Lego Robotics

Media in the New Age

Museum Week: Science & Art

Music Studio and Concerts


NYC Landmarks 2014

Nutrition & Fitness 2014

Senior Week 2014

Urban Farming – Perma Culture

Water in Nature

This Year’s Clusters/Groups: Download the Descriptions

Rensizzle Choice List.docx
Rensizzle Choice List.docx

Rensizzle Choice List.docx

Explore NY: RENSIZZLE 2014
Students – CHOOSE YOUR TOP 5

Senior Week – Ana, Maura, Girelle, Thandi & Pat
Calling all Seniors – for all things Senior! Design your week to have fun, learn life lessons, bond with your pals, and get your stuff done!
Asian Potpourri – ET
Curious about all things Asian? Explore Asian languages, music, religion, food. What was the Cultural Revolution? Why do ethnic cultures get crafted into countries? Find out with ET!
Culinary Arts – Liz & Joe
Are you a foodie? Or just want to learn to cook. Plan healthy, nutritious and delicious meals, and learn how to be a savvy food consumer as well. Deliciousness on a budget!
Cultures and Cuisines – Ali & Pierre
Explore a variety of culinary cultures and in a city as big as ours, find out how certain neighborhoods can maintain a particular ethnic and cultural identity, and find your favorite!
Dance NYC – Helen & Peggy
So you think you can dance? Of course you can! There are as many dance styles as there are groups of people, and you can find them all in NYC. Take classes and dance all week!
Drama NYC – Curtis & Ellie
Investigate NYC’s love-affair with theatre, and all the various occupations connected to the theatre. See lots of plays, perform some theatre yourself, and talk to professionals.
Geology of NYC/Astronomy of NY – Dan & Danielle
Explore a real-life cavern, see what it’s like to mine for gems. View the night sky through a real telescope, away from the lights of the city.
Graphic Novel – Robert & Lisa
Impressed and inspired by your favorite graphic novel? To make your own, start by perfecting your drawing style. Then come up with a set of amazing characters… learn how with Robert & Lisa.
Lego Robotics – Richard & Yianna
Love Legos? Love Robots? Learn elementary and advanced computer programming, by programming your own pre-built Lego Robot.
Media in the New Age – Amanda & Nicole
Love to write? Explore the media field and journalistic-style writing. Visit inspiring institutions devoted to writing, and establish a periodical for The Renaissance Charter School, in a style decided by you!
Museum Week: Science & Art – Miyo & Riaad
Investigate some of the best, most interesting museums and galleries in the world and find out how art and science intersect and support each other. (Who designs those amazing dioramas in Science museums, anyway? Artists? Scientists? Scientific Artists?)
Sights and Sounds for Change: A Human Rights Music and Visual Arts Collective – Jose
What would a music/RAP/visual arts/social studies piece focused on problem based learning and human rights look like? sound like? You decide! The culminating project will be an experiential art exhibit in which students work as tour guides and explain the exhibit to viewers and listeners.
Music NYC – Everett & Jason
New York has a rhythm all its own. Help create that sound: make some music, listen to music, play some music, talk to musicians and figure out if music as a career is for you.
NYCeums: NYC-Themed Museums – Ram & Sandra
We live in the most fabulous city in the world, so it is only natural that we have the best museums—all about us! Find out how the city grew, how it moves, who lives here, and why.
Nutrition & Fitness – Tara & Erin
How to live a healthy, fit life and not deprive yourself of ALL your favorite foods!Visit different fitness centers, develop your own fitness routine and improve your eating habits.
NYC Landmarks – Marta & Lisjane
Visit historical landmarks; create a chapbook and/or online wiki that creates a walking tour of some of NYC’s historical landmarks, geared to teenagers.
Survival in NY – Vinnie & Raymond
Do you want to know how to survive in the wilderness? Or how about the urban wilderness? What goes into creating your own Urban Survival Kit? Learn to navigate the wilds of NYC and beyond!
Urban Farming (PermaCulture) – Ariel & Monica
In big cities you can only have small farms, but a study by the UN shows that small farms (not big farms) have the power to feed the world! Visit urban farms, investigate what grows and where, and find out if there is a farmer somewhere inside of you.

Water in Nature – Yaacov & Vincent

Water is necessary for all life on earth. But how can waterways impact our lives? Running wateris the most powerful natural agent on earth, and changes the face of the Earth. Wetlands, beaches, streams and lakes all have their own eco-systems. Explore them all, right here in NYC!