Group Name: Explore College Rensizzle
Read about our experience this week at
1. Tajzae Bryan
2. Alina Benedetto
3. Justin Castro
4.Jessica Chamilco
5.Zahava Cortez
6. Gina Delgado
7. Emily Ficeto
8. Monique Kernall
9. Tiffany Manley
10. Stephanie Maung
11. William Mayers
12. Yaneysi Rivas
13. Rulaiha Taylor
14. Tenzing Norden Ukyab
Ana Falla Riff and Girelle Guzman
Visit colleges in the NYC area to beging figuring out the type of college that is right for me.
Time Line and Photos:
*Day 1: Stony Brook College
*Day 2: Barnard College and Columbia University
*Day 3: Lehman College
*Day 4: Queens College
Want to learn about the schools that we visited?
Barnard College
Columbia University
Lehman College
Queens College
Stonybrook University