11/26/12: We set ground rules in the morning and dreamed up menus. We read articles on school lunches; food traditions based on our
diverse heritages; and, studied a glossary of terms related to food. (Seasonal, organic, advertising, brand loyalty, etc.)
After lunch we got down to what we really wanted to do: Cooking! Joe Ford demonstrated knife techniques and emphasized the importance of sanitation and safety in the kitchen. Clean as you go.
We then made scones and pancake batter, using oats, flour, butter. While two groups kneaded the scone batter, the third group prepared the pancake batter, also using the oats. The people in the groups complained about eating oats but discovered that the scones, topped with a fruit compote, were delicious. The pancakes, eaten the next morning were perfect.

Angelica Sepulveda:
This week we did a lot. Monday we established ground rules and baked scones. Tuesday we went to the super market, had pancakes and made cheesecake cupcakes. Wednesday we journeyed to the farmers’ market. On Thursday our cluster made chicken parmigiana, pasta, green beans, salad, and the most delicious rice pudding.

Kunchok Ukyab: This experience has been a great one. We learned many different things as we made the food, for example i learned how to knead dough, how to make salad dressing.

Vernelle &- Nyasia: Monday most of the day we talked about ground rules what we wanted to make for our menu , then in the afternoon we talked about how to hold and use a knife , and different baking techniques , then we made some oatmeal scones , and pancakes. Tuesday we went on a trip to the MET market we got the ingredients for our menu ( Chicken Parmesan , Rice Pudding , Cesar Salad , Cheesecake Cupcakes , String Beans ) , we pre-prepared our meals for Thursday that included pan frying, breading the chicken. Wednesday we went to the union square farmers market to learn about the way ingredients can be fresher, what foods are seasonal and why they only grow in certain times or the year. Thursday we prepared our food, and ate lunch like a civilized group of people.

We have made the following this week:
Oatmeal scones
Oatmeal pancakes
Marinara Sauce
Chicken Parm
Caesar Salad with homemade dressing and croutons
Parker House Rolls
Green beans with shallots
Rice Pudding
Cheesecake Cupcakes
Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Pasta Turkey Pancetta
Our presentations have been enjoyed by the wonderful women in the office along with our group. We received many visitors from groups working in the basement but, sadly, had to turn them away. Sigh.

Sadman took the videos and many of the pictures. Saul and Gavriella were heroic dishwashers. Nyasia kept her group on task and was a real star in the cooking department. Emma and Joe went beyond expectations as facilitators.

malcolm melvin: This was an amazing week. I had many fun experiences such as going to a farmers market for the first time and having homemade apple cider. we also made many different foods from scratch like scones and cookies. overall i had a wonderful time.

Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Cookies

We Learned about different pans and a special one called a Brazier, which is used to saute foods and can be used for sauce. On the last day we made Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch as well as oatmeal butterscotch and cheese biscuits.

Juan Adames:
Everybody learned to cook or bake something. The experience was fun and I had a great time. I cooked chicken parm and baked oatmeal scones and cookies. This week was fun.

Sadman: Pictures and Videos.




Joe’s Delicious CREAM SOUP!!!!!