November 29, 2012
Today we all stayed in. No field trips. We each wrote an essay about “Should New York Keep Their Carriage Horses”? Some people thought that they shouldn’t keep horses and others said that they should and many were in between. Then, a guest speaker came from the A.S.P.C.A. her name was Michelle. She talked about what conditions the horses here are in. We got to see how the stables in Manhattan are treated. And later we compared the differences we saw between the stables in Jamaica Bay and what we heard today. Then, we started our final project. We were all thinking about what happened this whole week and looked back and laughed.
Thursday Agenda:
1. Preparing for Our Speaker
2. Taking A Stance: Essay Writing on the Carriage Horse Debate.
3. (A.S.P.C.A) American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals- keynote speaker on the Carriage-Horse Debate, question+ answer session
4. Designing Our Projects
– Creating a wiki space
– Creating a Game board
– Creating a Scrapbook
– Creating Models of Horses.
Daniella: “I thought that it was informative”.
Corinne: “I think what their fighting for is a good cause”.
Leslie: “She was really changed my point of view”.
Karol: “I think they shouldn’t have carriage horses”.
Marc:” Eyeopening”.
Alex: “It’s sad that they can’t take away the horses but, there doing a good job”.
Michelle: ” I thought it was pretty interesting about the carriage horses”.
Ayana: “I think they really try to help the animals”.
This is another group working with there group they also used there essay’s as a reference. |
This is a picture of the packet that the A.S.P.C.A gave us. It was about tragic stories that happened to the horses. |
This is Marc and Leslie working on there final project. |
This is a picture of Julian! He was “working” on his final project. |
This isanother group working ont here final project. This is Ayan’a group. |