Group Name: Geology & Astronomy

Adult Leader/s: Dan Fanelli and Danielle Randone
Student Members:


Christian Colula, Julia Krutel, Anthony Sandoval, Rodrigo Soto, Muhtasim Zubayeed, Pablo Rios, Max Cerezo, Irsa Khan, Daniel Malagon & Karina Zepeda

Goals and Objectives: Have students gain a deeper understanding of the Geology of NY; including various of several topics including (but not limited to) investigating glaciers, glacial features, creation and formation of how NYC and long Island was shaped; rock characteristics; Universe and earth in its entirety; constellations; rock and mineral identification; human impact on our planet.

Monday, October 21 – Essential Question: How as the geology of NY created?
What to expect today:

  1. Introduction of Rensizzle group and itinerary
  2. Emergency contact information
  3. Movie: How the Earth was Made: New York City:* Glaciers – HH moraine, Ronkonkoma moraine
    * Glacial features (polish, strations, kettle lakes, drumlins, moraines, etc.
  4. Lunch break
  5. Assign groups for field trip days and presentation discussion for Friday – Housekeeping – emergency contact info; agenda setting; who has cameras? Email all pix by Thursday. Brainstorming – what will be our Rensizzle presentation?
  6. If time permits a showing of: The Core

What will you need every day/field trips:
1) Lunch; 2) Journal and something to write with; 3) Camera; 4) Warm and appropriate attire: (jackets, closed-toe shoes–we will be going in cold, wet places. Plus, it’s October!)

Tuesday, October 22 – Trip to Rose Space Museum @ Natural History Museum: explore museum – Cosmic Pathway, Scale of Universe, Hall of Universe, Hall of Planet Earth. THINK ABOUT: How do rocks from outer space and rocks from Earth compare and contrast? Walking trip through Central Park to view glacial formations,bedrock outcrops, erratic’s and plucking site:


THINK ABOUT: What evidence in Central Park supports the theory that glaciers formed NYC?

Wednesday, October 23 –
Trip to Pioneer Tunnel, Ashland, PA – Coal mine tour and locomotive tour on mountain.
Note-taking; shared inquiry process; forming opinions on important issue of the day. Creating fact-based arguments for and against; collecting evidence, supporting arguments with evidence. Rock Discovery Center, Fossil Discovery Center.
Attached is a power-point on the Pioneer Tunnel minus the photos, which are below:
Pioneer Tunnel PA-small.pptx



geoPioneer2.jpggeo pioneer3.jpg



Thursday, October 24 – Trip to Howes Cavern, Howes Cave; Gem mining and tour of cavern – THINK ABOUT: How are Stalactites and Stalgmites formed, gems?
On way home, stop off at geological sites and view the night sky; Night sky; use of telescope, identifying planets, star systems






Friday, October 25Review of the week, and final project

  • Reflect on your experience with Rensizzle: Geology & Astronomy NY
  • Work in groups to create presentations (on ppt, poster board, etc.) of the trip you were scheduled to record
  • Create power-point presentations – creating captions, editing, choosing for content and impact
