Group Name: Fitness, Health and Nutrition
Adult Leader/s: Tara Gangarossa and Yianna Vasciliou
Student Members:
Gabriela Ramirez, Driss Avadi, Camilla Cheng, Ngawang Choeyang, Uriarte, Ruth Uriarte, Geeta Sharma, Catherine Gargan, Emily Jerez, Helena Koffigoh, Karen Sandoval, Jotaro Tadeharo
Goals and Objectives:
Questions: What does it mean to be fit and healthy? How can we incorporate what we learn into our daily lives? What options are there for staying fit? Can I stay healthy and still eat things I enjoy?
Monday, October 21 – Introduce Fitness App – My Fitness Pal App (Free)
and view Supersize Me, documentary:
Rensizzle Calorie Reports.docx
Food Diary/Journal for the week: Setting a goal for the week and keeping track of progress through the food diary/journal.
Write reaction paragraph to film.
Tuesday, October 22 – Rock Climbing at new facility in Long Island City.
Wednesday, October 23 – Trip to Bodies Exhibit in Times Square
Bodies Exhibit, Times Square |
Thursday, October 24 – Trip to CrossFit Rapture and Gardiners Park, Long Island
Friday, October 25 – Yoga Hike in Central Park
End of week reflection – What we’ve learned how we can incorporate into our lives after this week.